Sunday, April 8, 2012

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday, for Catholics, is a time of waiting.  We believe that on the days following His crucifixion, but before His resurrection, Jesus descended into the realm of the dead to free those who had died before He came. 

This is a quiet time, a time of anticipation.  We're waiting for Him to rise.   

On Holy Saturday, late at at night, we come into the church to celebrate the Easter Vigil.  This is the highest Mass of the year, the vigil of all vigils, really.   We start in darkness, and the liturgy is absolutely beautiful.    We use every sense possible to experience the Resurrection, and by the end of the is Easter.  He has risen!  We can finally say the "A" word again (alleluia, for you non-Catholics).  It's amazing.

At this vigil, all those who have been preparing to enter into the Catholic Church, or to come into full communion with the Church (by receiving a sacrament that they had not previously received), are initiated into the Catholic Church.  It's beautiful.

Today's blessing comes in the form of an amazing Easter Vigil service at our parish where SEVENTY people were brought into full communion with the Catholic Church.

It was awe-inspiring.

It was beautiful.

Moments were achingly beautiful.  Tears flowed.

I was blessed to experience this.

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