Saturday, November 26, 2011

Creating Memories

Every so often, I get the distinct sense that now, from this very year on, I don't get as much room for error with the kids.   You see, both Mike and I have memories that really stretch back only as far as age 6 or 7.   The memories from that young age are spotty....but they are there.  Now that two of our boys have approached that same age, I'm beginning to realize that someday, the experiences we have now will be their spotty memories.  I have a little bit less wiggle room - now, what I say or do might just become their treasured (or hated!) memory twenty or thirty years down the road.

Sometimes I look around at what we're doing, or what is happening, and think, "I hope today becomes one of those memories."  Yesterday was one of those days:  The weather was perfect, the company was fantastic, and the events were perfectly enjoyable.  We had Mike's uncle and some of his cousins over (they live about an hour and a half away), and spent the day catching up, relaxing, and just enjoying each other's company.  My boys fell in love with their second cousins, and already are asking when they get to see them again.

As we sat around the living room last night, digging through old slides that belonged to my husband's grandparents, I tried to capture the moment into my own memory.  The boys were laying on the living room floor, making shadow puppets (for I think the first time), just like I used to when I was younger.  The laughter and giggles echoed on the tile floor.  The darkened room was lit up, not only by the slide projector, but by hundreds of bright smiles.

It was a beautiful day, and one that I am very thankful for.  Fingers are crossed for this becoming a memory my boys will treasure for many years to come!

First stop of the day was lunch at a local olive grove/mill.  My gosh, did it remind me of Fatima.  So beautiful.

Trying to figure out how to work the slide projector did take a bit of time.....

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